If it happens to have female leads then great. But no one will appreciate the Dragon It not my fault you thought I was normal that on you shirt representation if the movie is bad. A female lead, no matter how badass in previous films, cannot alone save a bad movie. If it's focused on decent character development then maybe.

If it just pushes the fact that woman is the Dragon It not my fault you thought I was normal that on you shirt lead it probably shouldn't. I mean if you want to be representative don't put a woman or a person of minorities as a manikin. Create a worthy and complex character who happened to be a woman and of minorities.

Ideology however true and right won't ever make good entertainment or art. I think Hollywood making it a point to put women and minorities in powerful leading roles that Dragon It not my fault you thought I was normal that on you shirt are usually reserved for Caucasian male actors plays an important factor.
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