She hasn't been doing a bad job. It's not like a simple break up. It's getting a divorce from 28 wives at one time, followed by each and every family member getting involved and then to top it off 55 million kids all wanting different things, following media and not thinking for themselves. the Disney World climb every mountain big thunder space splash Everest shirt only problem this Brexit deal that they say won't get renegotiated is dead so basically

Who wants that job? 117 of her own party voted against her, imagine if it was a public vote or the house, doesn't sound strong or stable at all, stepping amounts to the Disney World climb every mountain big thunder space splash Everest shirt country is even more screwed unless there's a referendum or election 200 people voted not to have either Boris or Jacob in.

Now on a very light note can you imagine of the Disney World climb every mountain big thunder space splash Everest shirt and the US swapped leaders? Nothings changed. She can't get that deal thru. Lab and Dup won't vote for it. EU won't budge on it because I want it to remain as it is.
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