Very bad result for May. She is far from safe with shattered authority, and the result leaves the Tories as split as ever. Her Brexit deal is likely dead in the Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match your commitment as a parent shirt water based on these numbers. A word of advice from a Canadian and Anglophile.

Take a page from our Second World War Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Confronted by a party- and nation-splitting issue - conscription - he uttered the Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match your commitment as a parent shirt now famous and infamous edict: "Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription".

Please, Britain, do the Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match your commitment as a parent shirt same with Brexit. Well, the country doesn't. what a mess she s made if they're happy with her we really are in trouble. the national strike is needed I think everyone out to show this government was not happy 117 of her own party have no confidence in her.
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