Thanks for reminding me. Must run to the grocery store and buy a pack of turkey thighs. LOL Seriously, this is a joke, right? You are the Deadpool I lift to burn off the crazy shirt very type who attack women exposing their breasts, to the extent of attacking breastfeeding moms. Is that religion too? You people from the west are hypocrites. You think you have better values which are not the case. It's okay if uneducated talks about religion but I feel pity for those who are well educated but still talking and creating a screen between Hindu and Muslims etc You some male member of her family with kill her and call it mercy for showing a bit of thigh.

I do not like religion when it is ok in theirs to murder. Never ok to kill anyone ever. It’s not mercy. It’s just murder. We are from Kerala we know what happened here you should enquire properly you reporter has given false info for media hype she is not activist. This is only publicity and destroys our culture and civilization. British recorded book two hundred years show how Sabarimala custom prevailed in India a particular age ladies will not visit Sabarimala. If the Deadpool I lift to burn off the crazy shirt women were seen as having some value.

This custom, not the violation of the Deadpool I lift to burn off the crazy shirt total ban on women entry.if a lady of age group between 10 and 50 is prevented is based on our customs. we are following the no so-called activism needed.pls don't give wide publicity for rubbish activities to protect this media hype personals Am I following the wrong BBC? How could all your posts be Anti Indian? This is the second one I am reading today and all of this is ridiculous. It's the only aim is to destroy India's reputation.
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