Met police provide Stirling work again!! Red hair gene is a recessive gene, needed to be present in both parents, although none of them need to be the Damn I make 50 look good shirt redhead. The common principle of all recessive genes. No mystery just basic genetics from elementary school biology.

Thanks for your “scientific research”. Money well spent I already knew about this study years ago? So I’m wondering is it a separate study or is the Damn I make 50 look good shirt very slow to report? Or was a lot of time spent on verifying the validity of the study results? I keep seeing news stories at the moment that I’ve already known about for years.

You would have thought that scientists would be looking for more important things to do, like finding cures for the many diseases that the Damn I make 50 look good shirt world has instead of the color of people's hair, Being the Distractor in Chief again.
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