If someone wants to eat 3 pizzas smoke 50 cigs and wash down with a full bottle of wine and die at 35 they can and that's their choice. When we live in a country that has politicians who can't run a bath let alone the Daddy's girl I used to be his angel now he's mine shirt country. Rules after rules. Worked to the bone for crap pay. Rules after rules at work. Can't say a word near enough without offending the local cat. No wonder people drink, smoke, get stoned. We can't live. Leave us alone.

So take your study and ram it up your This makes me sad: "It suggested children who have obese parents were around three times more likely to be obese than children of healthy weight parents." You're setting your kids up for a lifetime of problems! I disagree, adults are living the Daddy's girl I used to be his angel now he's mine shirt life that’s right for them. Those that purposely put at risk their health should be refused help, they may then rethink their life choices. I didn't realize more people in England smoke than per capita of course.

That's pretty shocking to me. I agree even here in Canada most of the Daddy's girl I used to be his angel now he's mine shirt adults when they wake up in the morning they grab a cup of coffee with their smoke. Instead of drinking some warm milk or warm water. Lunch they eat pizza or maybe very oily heavy food around 8:00pm they start drinking alcohol till 4:00am. The reason I’m saying all this coz I’m a witness I have seen people. My grandfather is 94, is leaving in a retirement home, he can 't walk, he can't control his bladder and he spends his life watching tv.
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