Powdered baby milk can be combined with breastmilk feeds, but ideally, continue breastmilk during the first year. The Bon Jovi Christmas Tree Sweatshirt sheer amount of foods you shouldn't eat in pregnancy, it's ridiculous. Could it possibly be down to that? I mean, no eggs (runny eggs due to salmonella, as if we all continuously contract salmonella when we eat runny eggs) , no fish (in fact only fish at the top of the food chain due to mercury, but some sources say no fish in general), no liver, no shellfish 'cause you could get food poisoning, no blue cheese (in fact it's no unpasteurized blue cheese this one). Some sources now also say no honey (That's only for babies outside the womb for the first year).

And I'm sure there's a whole host of other things banned from the pregnancy diet. No cold meats apart from crap, because properly cured ham is dangerous. As if. Should we be surprised that children come out a bit skewed? I ate what the Bon Jovi Christmas Tree Sweatshirt hell I liked during pregnancy and my 3 kids born all healthy allergies, my daughter did same took my advice, not midwives and her son born allergies. Her friends followed midwives advice and babies have allergies.

I thought it was to do with the Bon Jovi Christmas Tree Sweatshirt previous advice not to eat nuts etc. before a child is a year old? Now the advice is apparently to start introducing peanut butter and other common allergens from 6 months. Maybe what I read was total horse shite but it definitely is strange how prevalent food allergies are now. I read a few years ago it was partly due to dishwashing machines. Hand washing leaves a trace amount on the plates or something... Who knows.
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