That right there is why I carry a large caliber revolver or rifle when I'm in bear/wolf territory. I'll make whatever kills me work for it or possibly walk away. I was an Au pair back in 1995 in SW London. I lived with a family. I was supposed to work 6 hours and to be able to go to schools. However, they would leave in the Panic at the Disco Christmas Tree sweater morning and come back late at night. Sometimes they left us without meals so I had to cook from (not many) ingredients I found at home...I didn't have time to study and at the end didn't show up at school...

Luckily my school Principal was an amazing woman and she suggested that I leave them and continue working in a cafe next door to school. It took me a week to see them and tell them that I resigned!!! Poor girls... I felt so sorry for them and still sometimes think of them... they changed dozens of Au pairs and didn't spend enough time with their parents...So, I would tell, be careful of what do you agree on before moving into a family... And she had to wash the Panic at the Disco Christmas Tree sweater children's clothes and tidy up the home before parents went to work... Expecting parents to come back after a full days work and start doing dishes when you were home all day?

This is part of au pairs duty, cleaning, washing after children and sometimes even cooking their meals. I didn't hear her saying she was forced to cook for and clean after the Panic at the Disco Christmas Tree sweater adults. And expecting to be part of the family for that. Bet she was on Facebook all day If you want a strict contract with exact hours, expect to be treated like an employee. If you want to feel like you are living in a family, behave like a family member. Happy families do what’s needed to be done. It is cheap childcare for the parents but also a great experience for repairs. It is luck who do you run I to.
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