Some like to wait for a good photo spot, for whatever reason, some just like to enjoy the moment and view and experience the hike. No judgment needed! So Duterte ordered the killings except there was no evidence. So the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions unisex sweater media switched to there is impunity, no police charged - but police were charged. So the media switched to no police convicted - now there have been. The BBC publishes false news, downright lies, and does so knowingly. es they killed the kid, but the kid, even according to their neighbors is the runner for his father’s illegal drug business. He’s dead and couldn’t be tried anymore more for his drug dealings.

How about the cops or even soldiers that were killed in the line of duty, how come that is not such a big deal to any media or does not get as much attention? like them, priests that kill, rapes and molest children, how come they only get a slap on their wrists? Where’s the media for those victims This isn't the first conviction, it's just the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions unisex sweater first major conviction. Police have been charged with any crimes in the Philippines even before Duterte's presidency, Duterte will never accept police brutality or EJKs. Shame on the system.

Bunch of adults, calling themselves protectors of civilians, taking the lives of young teens. Shame. Poor child. My heart goes out to the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions unisex sweater child's family. Make these men suffer the same pain. Knowing how justice can be served in the PH, I am happy with the quick turnover of results or decision. On another note, when it comes to prosecuting known wealthy scumbags, so as long as one can pay, one can get off the hook or are given preferential treatment.
See more: Freddie Mercury we are the Champions unisex sweater
See more: Freddie Mercury we are the Champions unisex sweater
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