Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Define Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker shirt

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"My Casper is the Define Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker shirt real one" Give it a rest. People should drop religion, and remember kindergarten: be nice and share, if ya can’t, take a nap, and try again after the nap I usually turn the hose on them when they show up on my doorstep. It never occurred to me that shooting them with arrows was an option. He's dead, if you really hate him then you got what you wanted, so let it go. Or, respect the fact he died for what he believes in, but that laws of the country you are in need to be respected as well. Or be total garbage and unironically believe he deserved it, and so does an entire populace of people you have literally never met. 

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If you believe in God and want to share that idea, it is not "bad" (with limits, respecting the culture or the Define Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker shirt own thought of the other) the grave error is to impose a religious idea in a violent way (Hellooo inquisition in century XV) I’m wondering with all the technology in this world, is there no way to invent something to rescue the whales?? Seriously. I have never understood why nobody on the planet can figure out how to rescue a beached whale. Mind-boggling. 

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There was a 5.6 earthquake about 500 miles north of NZ on that day. I wonder if that frightened them or messed with their sonar. This is really terrible. We are destroying aquatic life at a rate, hitherto undreamt of. When will we realize that 'the Define Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker shirt more we take, the less we have'. The sea also cries in anguish for the loss of these magnificent creatures. Beautiful beings... almost wiped out because of our actions, or even worse, our inaction to make significant changes to how we treat the earth and all beings who inhabit it.  

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