How sad to see so many uninformed people, but there is no wild left in England so I shouldn’t be surprised. Firstly, don’t disrespect this family, they are valued members of our community. A ten-month-old baby died, don’t make jokes and blame them. I live in Whitehorse and carry bear spray for walks in the Car ugly Christmas sweater woods, but not at this time of year because bears should be hibernating. Warm weather must’ve woke the bear and it was probably hungry. Global warming! Life is very different up north and many residents still rely heavily on hunting, trapping, gathering, and overall living off the land in remote locations. Food prices are sky high as well.
Wish more people would be considerate and open-minded about this; not everyone can just walk into a store, or even afford to buy food in the Car ugly Christmas sweater first place. Attacks are rare in Yukon even though we have black bears wandering through the city. People live here because of the wilderness, it’s beautiful, and the animals are the big part of that. I’ve seen bear, caribou, moose, bison, since living the North. The tiny risk of animal attack is way smaller than you all living in cities and walking around with all that traffic.
It says they were trapping? Trapping bears? Jeez, sure just take your baby along. This is what happens when people get complacent and don't respect wildlife. Very tragic, but we should really stop impeding on wildlife territory. As we continue to push out animals from their habitats, we will continue to see these events occur. Sometimes people have no sense baby, remote cabin in the Car ugly Christmas sweater wilds .they go trapping and take a newborn ??
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